done #3

PBS2H21ASH merged 19 commits from done into don 2023-01-24 20:11:21 +01:00
Showing only changes of commit 67912410d9 - Show all commits

@ -11,6 +11,16 @@ use Router\Router;
use Router\Route;
use BancaDati\BancaDati;
abstract class HTTP_STATUS_CODE
const OK = 200;
const CREATED = 201;
const BAD_REQUEST = 400;
const FORBIDDEN = 403;
const NOT_FOUNT = 404;
$app = new Router("/DirektiveDesDons");
$db = new BancaDati();
@ -31,12 +41,11 @@ $app->get("/", function (array $req, Response $res) use ($db) {
* User
$app->get("/user", function (array $req, Response $res) {
$res->json(["id" => $req["user"]->id, "username" => $req["user"]->username, "email" => $req["user"]->email]);
}else {
$res->json(["status" => 403, "message" => "You are not logged in. Goto '/login' to login"]);
$res->json(["status" => HTTP_STATUS_CODE::FORBIDDEN, "message" => "You are not logged in. Goto '/login' to login"]);
$app->get("/user/:id", function (array $req, Response $res) use ($db) {
@ -49,7 +58,7 @@ $app->post("/signup", function (array $req, Response $res) use ($db) {
$newEmail = $req["body"]["email"];
$db->insert("utente", ["email" => "$newEmail", "parolaDordine" => "$newPassword", "nomeUtente" => "$newUsername"]);
$res->send("Account Created", 201);
$res->send("Account Created", HTTP_STATUS_CODE::CREATED);
$app->post("/login", function( array $req, Response $res) use ($db) {
@ -61,9 +70,9 @@ $app->post("/login", function( array $req, Response $res) use ($db) {
setcookie("TOKEN", $usertoken, time()+3600); // 1h
$res->send("Login successful" . "token: " . $usertoken, 200);
$res->send("Login successful" . "token: " . $usertoken);
$res->send("Login failed", 403);
$res->send("Login failed", HTTP_STATUS_CODE::FORBIDDEN);
@ -72,7 +81,7 @@ $app->post("/login", function( array $req, Response $res) use ($db) {
->get(function (array $req, Response $res) use ($db) {
$res->json(["status" => 200, "data" => $db->select("ingredienti")]);
$res->json(["data" => $db->select("ingredienti")]);
->post(function (array $req, Response $res) use ($db) {
$name = $req["body"]["name"];
@ -83,27 +92,54 @@ $app->route("/ingredient")
$unitInTable = $db->select("folla", ["unita" => $unit]);
if(count($unitInTable) > 1){
$res->json(["status" => "400", "message" => "Unit: " . $unit . " does not exist. Please create unit first" ]);
$res->json(["message" => "Unit: " . $unit . " does not exist. Please create unit first"], HTTP_STATUS_CODE::BAD_REQUEST);
$unitId = $unitInTable[0]["id"];
$id = $db->insert("ingredienti", ["cognome" => "$name", "calorie" => "$calories", "quantita" => "$quantity", "follaID" => $unitId, "prezzo" => "$price"]);
$res->json(["status" => 400,
"message" => "Something went wrong when creating the Ingredient"], 500);
$res->json(["message" => "Something went wrong when creating the Ingredient"], HTTP_STATUS_CODE::BAD_REQUEST);
$res->json(["status" => "200",
"message" => "New ingredient has been listed",
$res->json(["message" => "New ingredient has been listed",
"ingredient" => $db->select("ingredienti", ["id" => $id])]);
$app->get("/ingredient/:id", function (array $req, Response $res) use ($db) {
$id = $req["params"]["id"];
$ingredient = $db->select("ingredienti", ["id" => $id])[0];
$res->json(["status" => 200, "data" => $ingredient]);
$res->json(["data" => $ingredient]);
* Unit
->get(function (array $req, Response $res) use ($db) {
$res->json(["data" => $db->select("folla")]);
->post(function (array $req, Response $res) use ($db) {
$name = $req["body"]["name"];
if(!isset($name) || strlen($name) < 1 || strlen($name) > 200){
$res->json(["message" => "Invalid Request. Please follow the the Documentation", HTTP_STATUS_CODE::BAD_REQUEST]);
$selectWithSameName = $db->select("folla", ["unita" => $name]);
if(count($selectWithSameName) >= 1){
$res->json(["message" => "Unit: " . $name ." already exists", "data" => $selectWithSameName[0]], HTTP_STATUS_CODE::BAD_REQUEST);
$newUnitId = $db->insert("folla", ["unita" => $name]);
$res->json(["message" => "Unit: '" . $name . "' created", "data" => $db->select("folla", ["id" => $newUnitId])[0]], HTTP_STATUS_CODE::CREATED);
$app->get("/unit/:id", function (array $req, Response $res) use ($db) {
$id = $req["params"]["id"];
$ingredient = $db->select("folla", ["id" => $id])[0];
$res->json(["data" => $ingredient]);