# API Reference The vpr Api ist created around REST. Our Api has several different endpoint, that are URL based and accept standard form-encoded request bodies. It returns JSON-encoded responses and uses standard HTTP response codes. --- ## The Endpoints at "/vpr/" GET: - /all-users POST: - /all-events - /add-user - /add-event - /del-event --- ## Status-codes dan HTTP-responses | STATUS | meaning | | --- | --- | | 200 | OK. The Request was successful | | 400 | Bad request. Check if you send all parameter | | 404 | endpoint not found. The Url might contain a spelling mistake | | 405 | Request-Method not allowed. Check if the endpoint requires an GET or POST request | | 500 | Internal Server error. The request failed due to an exception at the server, the Request-parameter might be in a wrong format, or the database might be unreachable | --- ## /all-users Request (GET): curl localhost:8080/vpr/all-users Response: [ [ userId: int, forename: string, name: string ] ] --- ## /all-events Request (POST): curl localhost:8080/vpr/all-events -X POST -d "userId=<int>" Response: [ [ eventId: int, name: string, start: string, priority: int, isFullDay: boolean, date: string, userId: int, forename: string, name: string ] ] --- ## /add-user Request (POST): curl localhost:8080/vpr/add-user -X POST -d "name=<string>&forename=<string>&password=<string>&isAdmin=<boolean>" Response: status 200 if request is ok And String "Saved" --- ## /add-event Request (POST): curl localhost:8080/vpr/add-event -X POST -d "userId=<String>&date=<String>&name=<String>&start=<String>&end=<String>&prority=<int>&isFullDay=<boolean>&isPrivate=<boolean>" Response: status 200 if request is ok And String "Saved" --- ## /del-event Request (POST): curl localhost:8080/vpr/del-event -X POST -d "eventId=<int>" Response: status 200 if request is ok And String "Deleted"