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2024-09-20 20:30:10 +02:00
== CmExistingCertificateChanged ==
WARNING: the certificate of this host doesn't match the one you have in the key
store. It may mean that the identity of the server has been compromised or a
man-in-the-middle attack is being performed on you.
Certificate details:
- Issued to: {0}
- Issued by: {1}
- Expiration date: {3}
- Certificate hash: {5}
If you were expecting this change and trust the new certificate, choose 'Yes'
to add the key to the Unity VCS key store and trust this certificate in the
If you want to carry on connecting just once, without adding the key to the
store, choose 'No'.
If you want to abandon this connection, choose 'Cancel'. This is the ONLY
guaranteed safe choice.
== CmExistingCertificateChangedPrompt ==
Choose an option (Y)es, (N)o, (C)ancel (default is Cancel):
== CmInvalidCertificateHostname ==
WARNING: the secure connection hostname provided in the server
certificate doesn't match the server hostname. This means that the
certificate was not issued to this hostname or that there is a network
configuration problem with this host.
- Certificate hostname: {0}
- Server hostname: {1}
If you want to continue connecting to this host, choose 'Yes'. The certificate
validation will continue (not recommended).
If you want to abandon the connection, choose 'No' (recommended).
== CmInvalidCertificateHostnamePrompt ==
Choose an option (Y)es, (N)o (hitting Enter selects 'No'):
== CmInvalidCertuiResponse ==
(!) The option you entered is not valid.
== CmNewCertificate ==
The server you are connecting to has sent a certificate that is not in the
store. This is normal if it is the first time that you connect to this server.
Certificate details:
- Issued to: {0}
- Issued by: {1}
- Expiration date: {3}
- Certificate hash: {5}
If you trust this host, choose 'Yes' to add the key to the Unity VCS key
store (recommended if it is the first time you connect to this server).
If you want to carry on connecting just once, without adding the key to the
store, choose 'No'.
If you do not trust this host, choose 'Cancel' to abandon the connection.
== CmNewCertificatePrompt ==
Choose an option (Y)es, (N)o, (C)ancel (hitting Enter cancels):
== CmdListCommandsAdditionalHeader ==
Additional commands:
== CmdListCommandsAdministrativeHeader ==
Administrative commands:
== CmdListCommandsAutomationHeader ==
Automation commands:
== CmdListCommandsCommandTypes ==
You're currently viewing a reduced list of the available commands. You can use:
cm showcommands --essential to show essential commands (default)
cm showcommands --additional to show additional commands
cm showcommands --administrative to show commands used by administrators
cm showcommands --security to show commands to manage security and ACLs
cm showcommands --automation to show commands used to automate the CLI
cm showcommands --all to show the complete command list
== CmdListCommandsEnd ==
* Executing a command:
cm command_name
* Get usage of a command:
cm command_name --usage
cm command_name -?
* Get help from a command
cm help command_name
cm command_name --help
Learn more about how to use the command line:
Learn more about cm find:
Learn more about cm automation:
== CmdListCommandsEssentialHeader ==
Essential commands:
== CmdListCommandsSecurityHeader ==
Security commands:
== Description ==
== EnterPassword ==
== EnterUser ==
== EnterUserCredentials ==
Enter credentials to connect to server [{0}]
== LongName ==
== MsgCommandnotfound ==
Command '{0}' not found. Type cm showcommands to get a command list.
== MsgError ==
== MsgNocommands ==
No commands defined!
== ShortName ==
== WkUpgradeFinished ==
Workspaces upgraded.
== WkUpgradeStarted ==
Upgrading workspaces...
== SelectSignInProvider ==
Select the system you want to use to sign in to: {0}
== SelectYourProviderToSignin ==
Select your system [{0}-{1}]
== OpenThisUrlInYourBrowser ==
Open the following URL in your browser: