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2024-09-20 20:30:10 +02:00
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering
/// <summary>
/// Constant Buffer management class.
/// </summary>
public class ConstantBuffer
static List<ConstantBufferBase> m_RegisteredConstantBuffers = new List<ConstantBufferBase>();
/// <summary>
/// Update the GPU data of the constant buffer and bind it globally via a command buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="CBType">The type of structure representing the constant buffer data.</typeparam>
/// <param name="cmd">Command Buffer used to execute the graphic commands.</param>
/// <param name="data">Input data of the constant buffer.</param>
/// <param name="shaderId">Shader porperty id to bind the constant buffer to.</param>
public static void PushGlobal<CBType>(CommandBuffer cmd, in CBType data, int shaderId) where CBType : struct
var cb = ConstantBufferSingleton<CBType>.instance;
cb.UpdateData(cmd, data);
cb.SetGlobal(cmd, shaderId);
/// <summary>
/// Update the GPU data of the constant buffer and bind it globally.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="CBType">The type of structure representing the constant buffer data.</typeparam>
/// <param name="data">Input data of the constant buffer.</param>
/// <param name="shaderId">Shader porperty id to bind the constant buffer to.</param>
public static void PushGlobal<CBType>(in CBType data, int shaderId) where CBType : struct
var cb = ConstantBufferSingleton<CBType>.instance;
/// <summary>
/// Update the GPU data of the constant buffer and bind it to a compute shader via a command buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="CBType">The type of structure representing the constant buffer data.</typeparam>
/// <param name="cmd">Command Buffer used to execute the graphic commands.</param>
/// <param name="data">Input data of the constant buffer.</param>
/// <param name="cs">Compute shader to which the constant buffer should be bound.</param>
/// <param name="shaderId">Shader porperty id to bind the constant buffer to.</param>
public static void Push<CBType>(CommandBuffer cmd, in CBType data, ComputeShader cs, int shaderId) where CBType : struct
var cb = ConstantBufferSingleton<CBType>.instance;
cb.UpdateData(cmd, data);
cb.Set(cmd, cs, shaderId);
/// <summary>
/// Update the GPU data of the constant buffer and bind it to a compute shader.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="CBType">The type of structure representing the constant buffer data.</typeparam>
/// <param name="data">Input data of the constant buffer.</param>
/// <param name="cs">Compute shader to which the constant buffer should be bound.</param>
/// <param name="shaderId">Shader porperty id to bind the constant buffer to.</param>
public static void Push<CBType>(in CBType data, ComputeShader cs, int shaderId) where CBType : struct
var cb = ConstantBufferSingleton<CBType>.instance;
cb.Set(cs, shaderId);
/// <summary>
/// Update the GPU data of the constant buffer and bind it to a material via a command buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="CBType">The type of structure representing the constant buffer data.</typeparam>
/// <param name="cmd">Command Buffer used to execute the graphic commands.</param>
/// <param name="data">Input data of the constant buffer.</param>
/// <param name="mat">Material to which the constant buffer should be bound.</param>
/// <param name="shaderId">Shader porperty id to bind the constant buffer to.</param>
public static void Push<CBType>(CommandBuffer cmd, in CBType data, Material mat, int shaderId) where CBType : struct
var cb = ConstantBufferSingleton<CBType>.instance;
cb.UpdateData(cmd, data);
cb.Set(mat, shaderId);
/// <summary>
/// Update the GPU data of the constant buffer and bind it to a material.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="CBType">The type of structure representing the constant buffer data.</typeparam>
/// <param name="data">Input data of the constant buffer.</param>
/// <param name="mat">Material to which the constant buffer should be bound.</param>
/// <param name="shaderId">Shader porperty id to bind the constant buffer to.</param>
public static void Push<CBType>(in CBType data, Material mat, int shaderId) where CBType : struct
var cb = ConstantBufferSingleton<CBType>.instance;
cb.Set(mat, shaderId);
/// <summary>
/// Update the GPU data of the constant buffer via a command buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="CBType">The type of structure representing the constant buffer data.</typeparam>
/// <param name="cmd">Command Buffer used to execute the graphic commands.</param>
/// <param name="data">Input data of the constant buffer.</param>
public static void UpdateData<CBType>(CommandBuffer cmd, in CBType data) where CBType : struct
var cb = ConstantBufferSingleton<CBType>.instance;
cb.UpdateData(cmd, data);
/// <summary>
/// Update the GPU data of the constant buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="CBType">The type of structure representing the constant buffer data.</typeparam>
/// <param name="data">Input data of the constant buffer.</param>
public static void UpdateData<CBType>(in CBType data) where CBType : struct
var cb = ConstantBufferSingleton<CBType>.instance;
/// <summary>
/// Bind the constant buffer globally via a command buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="CBType">The type of structure representing the constant buffer data.</typeparam>
/// <param name="cmd">Command Buffer used to execute the graphic commands.</param>
/// <param name="shaderId">Shader porperty id to bind the constant buffer to.</param>
public static void SetGlobal<CBType>(CommandBuffer cmd, int shaderId) where CBType : struct
var cb = ConstantBufferSingleton<CBType>.instance;
cb.SetGlobal(cmd, shaderId);
/// <summary>
/// Bind the constant buffer globally.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="CBType">The type of structure representing the constant buffer data.</typeparam>
/// <param name="shaderId">Shader porperty id to bind the constant buffer to.</param>
public static void SetGlobal<CBType>(int shaderId) where CBType : struct
var cb = ConstantBufferSingleton<CBType>.instance;
/// <summary>
/// Bind the constant buffer to a compute shader via a command buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="CBType">The type of structure representing the constant buffer data.</typeparam>
/// <param name="cmd">Command Buffer used to execute the graphic commands.</param>
/// <param name="cs">Compute shader to which the constant buffer should be bound.</param>
/// <param name="shaderId">Shader porperty id to bind the constant buffer to.</param>
public static void Set<CBType>(CommandBuffer cmd, ComputeShader cs, int shaderId) where CBType : struct
var cb = ConstantBufferSingleton<CBType>.instance;
cb.Set(cmd, cs, shaderId);
/// <summary>
/// Bind the constant buffer to a compute shader.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="CBType">The type of structure representing the constant buffer data.</typeparam>
/// <param name="cs">Compute shader to which the constant buffer should be bound.</param>
/// <param name="shaderId">Shader porperty id to bind the constant buffer to.</param>
public static void Set<CBType>(ComputeShader cs, int shaderId) where CBType : struct
var cb = ConstantBufferSingleton<CBType>.instance;
cb.Set(cs, shaderId);
/// <summary>
/// Bind the constant buffer to a material.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="CBType">The type of structure representing the constant buffer data.</typeparam>
/// <param name="mat">Material to which the constant buffer should be bound.</param>
/// <param name="shaderId">Shader porperty id to bind the constant buffer to.</param>
public static void Set<CBType>(Material mat, int shaderId) where CBType : struct
var cb = ConstantBufferSingleton<CBType>.instance;
cb.Set(mat, shaderId);
/// <summary>
/// Release all currently allocated singleton constant buffers.
/// This needs to be called before shutting down the application.
/// </summary>
public static void ReleaseAll()
foreach (var cb in m_RegisteredConstantBuffers)
internal static void Register(ConstantBufferBase cb)
/// <summary>
/// The base class of Constant Buffer.
/// </summary>
public abstract class ConstantBufferBase
/// <summary>
/// Release the constant buffer.
/// </summary>
public abstract void Release();
/// <summary>
/// An instance of a constant buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="CBType">The type of structure representing the constant buffer data.</typeparam>
public class ConstantBuffer<CBType> : ConstantBufferBase where CBType : struct
// Used to track all global bindings used by this CB type.
HashSet<int> m_GlobalBindings = new HashSet<int>();
// Array is required by the ComputeBuffer SetData API
CBType[] m_Data = new CBType[1];
ComputeBuffer m_GPUConstantBuffer = null;
/// <summary>
/// Constant Buffer constructor.
/// </summary>
public ConstantBuffer()
m_GPUConstantBuffer = new ComputeBuffer(1, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<CBType>(), ComputeBufferType.Constant);
/// <summary>
/// Update the GPU data of the constant buffer via a command buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cmd">Command Buffer used to execute the graphic commands.</param>
/// <param name="data">Input data of the constant buffer.</param>
public void UpdateData(CommandBuffer cmd, in CBType data)
m_Data[0] = data;
#if UNITY_2021_1_OR_NEWER
cmd.SetBufferData(m_GPUConstantBuffer, m_Data);
cmd.SetComputeBufferData(m_GPUConstantBuffer, m_Data);
/// <summary>
/// Update the GPU data of the constant buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Input data of the constant buffer.</param>
public void UpdateData(in CBType data)
m_Data[0] = data;
/// <summary>
/// Bind the constant buffer globally via a command buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cmd">Command Buffer used to execute the graphic commands.</param>
/// <param name="shaderId">Shader porperty id to bind the constant buffer to.</param>
public void SetGlobal(CommandBuffer cmd, int shaderId)
cmd.SetGlobalConstantBuffer(m_GPUConstantBuffer, shaderId, 0, m_GPUConstantBuffer.stride);
/// <summary>
/// Bind the constant buffer globally.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="shaderId">Shader porperty id to bind the constant buffer to.</param>
public void SetGlobal(int shaderId)
Shader.SetGlobalConstantBuffer(shaderId, m_GPUConstantBuffer, 0, m_GPUConstantBuffer.stride);
/// <summary>
/// Bind the constant buffer to a compute shader via a command buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cmd">Command Buffer used to execute the graphic commands.</param>
/// <param name="cs">Compute shader to which the constant buffer should be bound.</param>
/// <param name="shaderId">Shader porperty id to bind the constant buffer to.</param>
public void Set(CommandBuffer cmd, ComputeShader cs, int shaderId)
cmd.SetComputeConstantBufferParam(cs, shaderId, m_GPUConstantBuffer, 0, m_GPUConstantBuffer.stride);
/// <summary>
/// Bind the constant buffer to a compute shader.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cs">Compute shader to which the constant buffer should be bound.</param>
/// <param name="shaderId">Shader porperty id to bind the constant buffer to.</param>
public void Set(ComputeShader cs, int shaderId)
cs.SetConstantBuffer(shaderId, m_GPUConstantBuffer, 0, m_GPUConstantBuffer.stride);
/// <summary>
/// Bind the constant buffer to a material.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mat">Material to which the constant buffer should be bound.</param>
/// <param name="shaderId">Shader porperty id to bind the constant buffer to.</param>
public void Set(Material mat, int shaderId)
// This isn't done via command buffer because as long as the buffer itself is not destroyed,
// the binding stays valid. Only the commit of data needs to go through the command buffer.
// We do it here anyway for now to simplify user API.
mat.SetConstantBuffer(shaderId, m_GPUConstantBuffer, 0, m_GPUConstantBuffer.stride);
/// <summary>
/// Update the GPU data of the constant buffer and bind it globally via a command buffer.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cmd">Command Buffer used to execute the graphic commands.</param>
/// <param name="data">Input data of the constant buffer.</param>
/// <param name="shaderId">Shader porperty id to bind the constant buffer to.</param>
public void PushGlobal(CommandBuffer cmd, in CBType data, int shaderId)
UpdateData(cmd, data);
SetGlobal(cmd, shaderId);
/// <summary>
/// Update the GPU data of the constant buffer and bind it globally.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Input data of the constant buffer.</param>
/// <param name="shaderId">Shader porperty id to bind the constant buffer to.</param>
public void PushGlobal(in CBType data, int shaderId)
/// <summary>
/// Release the constant buffers.
/// </summary>
public override void Release()
// Depending on the device, globally bound buffers can leave stale "valid" shader ids pointing to a destroyed buffer.
// In DX11 it does not cause issues but on Vulkan this will result in skipped drawcalls (even if the buffer is not actually accessed in the shader).
// To avoid this kind of issues, it's good practice to "unbind" all globally bound buffers upon destruction.
foreach (int shaderId in m_GlobalBindings)
Shader.SetGlobalConstantBuffer(shaderId, (ComputeBuffer)null, 0, 0);
class ConstantBufferSingleton<CBType> : ConstantBuffer<CBType> where CBType : struct
static ConstantBufferSingleton<CBType> s_Instance = null;
internal static ConstantBufferSingleton<CBType> instance
if (s_Instance == null)
s_Instance = new ConstantBufferSingleton<CBType>();
return s_Instance;
s_Instance = value;
public override void Release()
s_Instance = null;