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2024-09-20 20:30:10 +02:00
using System;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering
/// <summary>
/// Types of dynamic resolution that can be requested. Note that if Hardware is selected, but not available on the platform, the system will fallback to Software.
/// </summary>
public enum DynamicResolutionType : byte
/// <summary>
/// Software dynamic resolution.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Hardware dynamic resolution.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Types of filters that can be used to upscale rendered result to native resolution.
/// </summary>
public enum DynamicResUpscaleFilter : byte
/// <summary>
/// Bilinear upscaling filter. Obsolete and not supported.
/// </summary>
[Obsolete("Bilinear upscale filter is considered obsolete and is not supported anymore, please use CatmullRom for a very cheap, but blurry filter.", false)] Bilinear,
/// <summary>
/// Bicubic Catmull-Rom upscaling filter.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Lanczos upscaling filter. Obsolete and not supported.
/// </summary>
[Obsolete("Lanczos upscale filter is considered obsolete and is not supported anymore, please use Contrast Adaptive Sharpening for very sharp filter or FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0.", false)] Lanczos,
/// <summary>
/// Contrast Adaptive Sharpening upscaling filter.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0
/// </summary>
[InspectorName("FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0")]
/// <summary>
/// Temporal Upscaling.
/// </summary>
[InspectorName("TAA Upscale")]
/// <summary>User-facing settings for dynamic resolution.</summary>
public struct GlobalDynamicResolutionSettings
/// <summary>Default GlobalDynamicResolutionSettings</summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static GlobalDynamicResolutionSettings NewDefault() => new GlobalDynamicResolutionSettings()
useMipBias = false,
maxPercentage = 100.0f,
minPercentage = 100.0f,
// It fall-backs to software when not supported, so it makes sense to have it on by default.
dynResType = DynamicResolutionType.Hardware,
upsampleFilter = DynamicResUpscaleFilter.CatmullRom,
forcedPercentage = 100.0f,
lowResTransparencyMinimumThreshold = 0.0f,
rayTracingHalfResThreshold = 50.0f,
// Defaults for dlss
enableDLSS = false,
DLSSUseOptimalSettings = true,
DLSSPerfQualitySetting = 0,
DLSSSharpness = 0.5f,
DLSSInjectionPoint = DynamicResolutionHandler.UpsamplerScheduleType.BeforePost,
fsrOverrideSharpness = false,
fsrSharpness = FSRUtils.kDefaultSharpnessLinear
/// <summary>Select whether the dynamic resolution is enabled or not.</summary>
public bool enabled;
/// <summary>Offsets the mip bias to recover mode detail. This only works if the camera is utilizing TAA.</summary>
public bool useMipBias;
/// <summary>Toggle NVIDIA Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS).</summary>
public bool enableDLSS;
/// <summary>Opaque quality setting of NVIDIA Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS). Use the system enum UnityEngine.NVIDIA.DLSSQuality to set the quality.</summary>
public uint DLSSPerfQualitySetting;
/// <summary>The injection point at which to apply DLSS upscaling.</summary>
public DynamicResolutionHandler.UpsamplerScheduleType DLSSInjectionPoint;
/// <summary>Toggle NVIDIA Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) automatic recommendation system for scaling and sharpness.
/// If this is on, the manually established scale callback for Dynamic Resolution Scaling is ignored. The sharpness setting of DLSS is also ignored.
/// </summary>
public bool DLSSUseOptimalSettings;
/// <summary>Pixel sharpness of NVIDIA Deep Leraning Super Sampling (DLSS).</summary>
[Range(0, 1)]
public float DLSSSharpness;
/// <summary>Toggle sharpness override for AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR).
/// If this is on, a sharpness value specified by the user will be used instead of the default.
/// </summary>
public bool fsrOverrideSharpness;
/// <summary>Pixel sharpness of AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR).</summary>
[Range(0, 1)]
public float fsrSharpness;
/// <summary>The maximum resolution percentage that dynamic resolution can reach.</summary>
public float maxPercentage;
/// <summary>The minimum resolution percentage that dynamic resolution can reach.</summary>
public float minPercentage;
/// <summary>The type of dynamic resolution method.</summary>
public DynamicResolutionType dynResType;
/// <summary>The default of upscaling filter used. It can be overridden via the API DynamicResolutionHandler.SetUpscaleFilter </summary>
public DynamicResUpscaleFilter upsampleFilter;
/// <summary>Select whether dynamic resolution system will force a specific resolution percentage.</summary>
public bool forceResolution;
/// <summary>The resolution percentage forced in case forceResolution is set to true.</summary>
public float forcedPercentage;
/// <summary>The minimum percentage threshold allowed to clamp low resolution transparency. When the resolution percentage falls below this threshold, HDRP will clamp the low resolution to this percentage.</summary>
public float lowResTransparencyMinimumThreshold;
/// <summary>The minimum percentage threshold allowed to render ray tracing effects at half resolution. When the resolution percentage falls below this threshold, HDRP will render ray tracing effects at full resolution.</summary>
public float rayTracingHalfResThreshold;