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2024-09-20 20:30:10 +02:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEditor;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering
/// <summary>
/// Debug Dispaly Settings Volume
/// </summary>
public class DebugDisplaySettingsVolume : IDebugDisplaySettingsData
/// <summary>Current volume debug settings.</summary>
public IVolumeDebugSettings2 volumeDebugSettings { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Constructor with the settings
/// </summary>
/// <param name="volumeDebugSettings"></param>
public DebugDisplaySettingsVolume(IVolumeDebugSettings2 volumeDebugSettings)
this.volumeDebugSettings = volumeDebugSettings;
internal int volumeComponentEnumIndex;
static class Styles
public static readonly GUIContent none = new GUIContent("None");
public static readonly GUIContent editorCamera = new GUIContent("Editor Camera");
static class Strings
public static readonly string none = "None";
public static readonly string camera = "Camera";
public static readonly string parameter = "Parameter";
public static readonly string component = "Component";
public static readonly string debugViewNotSupported = "Debug view not supported";
public static readonly string volumeInfo = "Volume Info";
public static readonly string interpolatedValue = "Interpolated Value";
public static readonly string defaultValue = "Default Value";
public static readonly string global = "Global";
public static readonly string local = "Local";
internal static class WidgetFactory
public static DebugUI.EnumField CreateComponentSelector(SettingsPanel panel, Action<DebugUI.Field<int>, int> refresh)
int componentIndex = 0;
var componentNames = new List<GUIContent>() { Styles.none };
var componentValues = new List<int>() { componentIndex++ };
foreach (var type in panel.data.volumeDebugSettings.volumeComponentsPathAndType)
componentNames.Add(new GUIContent() { text = type.Item1 });
return new DebugUI.EnumField
displayName = Strings.component,
getter = () => panel.data.volumeDebugSettings.selectedComponent,
setter = value => panel.data.volumeDebugSettings.selectedComponent = value,
enumNames = componentNames.ToArray(),
enumValues = componentValues.ToArray(),
getIndex = () => panel.data.volumeComponentEnumIndex,
setIndex = value => { panel.data.volumeComponentEnumIndex = value; },
onValueChanged = refresh
public static DebugUI.ObjectPopupField CreateCameraSelector(SettingsPanel panel, Action<DebugUI.Field<Object>, Object> refresh)
return new DebugUI.ObjectPopupField
displayName = Strings.camera,
getter = () => panel.data.volumeDebugSettings.selectedCamera,
setter = value =>
var c = panel.data.volumeDebugSettings.cameras.ToArray();
panel.data.volumeDebugSettings.selectedCameraIndex = Array.IndexOf(c, value as Camera);
getObjects = () => panel.data.volumeDebugSettings.cameras,
onValueChanged = refresh
static DebugUI.Widget CreateVolumeParameterWidget(string name, VolumeParameter param, Func<bool> isHiddenCallback = null)
if (param == null)
return new DebugUI.Value() { displayName = name, getter = () => "-" };
var parameterType = param.GetType();
// Special overrides
if (parameterType == typeof(ColorParameter))
var p = (ColorParameter)param;
return new DebugUI.ColorField()
displayName = name,
hdr = p.hdr,
showAlpha = p.showAlpha,
getter = () => p.value,
setter = value => p.value = value,
isHiddenCallback = isHiddenCallback
else if (parameterType == typeof(BoolParameter))
var p = (BoolParameter)param;
return new DebugUI.BoolField()
displayName = name,
getter = () => p.value,
setter = value => p.value = value,
isHiddenCallback = isHiddenCallback
var typeInfo = parameterType.GetTypeInfo();
var genericArguments = typeInfo.BaseType.GenericTypeArguments;
if (genericArguments.Length > 0 && genericArguments[0].IsArray)
return new DebugUI.ObjectListField()
displayName = name,
getter = () => (Object[])parameterType.GetProperty("value").GetValue(param, null),
type = parameterType
// For parameters that do not override `ToString`
var property = param.GetType().GetProperty("value");
var toString = property.PropertyType.GetMethod("ToString", Type.EmptyTypes);
if ((toString == null) || (toString.DeclaringType == typeof(object)) || (toString.DeclaringType == typeof(UnityEngine.Object)))
// Check if the parameter has a name
var nameProp = property.PropertyType.GetProperty("name");
if (nameProp == null)
return new DebugUI.Value() { displayName = name, getter = () => Strings.debugViewNotSupported };
// Return the parameter name
return new DebugUI.Value()
displayName = name,
getter = () =>
var value = property.GetValue(param);
if (value == null || value.Equals(null))
return Strings.none;
var valueString = nameProp.GetValue(value);
return valueString ?? Strings.none;
isHiddenCallback = isHiddenCallback
// Call the ToString method
return new DebugUI.Value()
displayName = name,
getter = () =>
var value = property.GetValue(param);
return value == null ? Strings.none : value.ToString();
isHiddenCallback = isHiddenCallback
public static DebugUI.Table CreateVolumeTable(DebugDisplaySettingsVolume data)
var table = new DebugUI.Table()
displayName = Strings.parameter,
isReadOnly = true
Type selectedType = data.volumeDebugSettings.selectedComponentType;
if (selectedType == null)
return table;
var stack = data.volumeDebugSettings.selectedCameraVolumeStack ?? VolumeManager.instance.stack;
var stackComponent = stack.GetComponent(selectedType);
if (stackComponent == null)
return table;
var volumes = data.volumeDebugSettings.GetVolumes();
var inst = (VolumeComponent)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(selectedType);
// First row for volume info
var row = new DebugUI.Table.Row()
displayName = Strings.volumeInfo,
opened = true, // Open by default for the in-game view
children =
new DebugUI.Value()
displayName = Strings.interpolatedValue,
getter = () => string.Empty
// Second row, links to volume gameobjects
var row2 = new DebugUI.Table.Row()
displayName = "GameObject",
children = { new DebugUI.Value() { getter = () => string.Empty } }
foreach (var volume in volumes)
var profile = volume.HasInstantiatedProfile() ? volume.profile : volume.sharedProfile;
row.children.Add(new DebugUI.Value()
displayName = profile.name,
getter = () =>
var scope = volume.isGlobal ? Strings.global : Strings.local;
var weight = data.volumeDebugSettings.GetVolumeWeight(volume);
return scope + " (" + (weight * 100f) + "%)";
row2.children.Add(new DebugUI.ObjectField()
displayName = profile.name,
getter = () => volume,
row.children.Add(new DebugUI.Value() { displayName = Strings.defaultValue, getter = () => string.Empty });
row2.children.Add(new DebugUI.Value() { getter = () => string.Empty });
// Build rows - recursively handles nested parameters
var rows = new List<DebugUI.Table.Row>();
int AddParameterRows(Type type, string baseName = null, int skip = 0)
void AddRow(FieldInfo f, string prefix, int skip)
var fieldName = prefix + f.Name;
var attr = (DisplayInfoAttribute[])f.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayInfoAttribute), true);
if (attr.Length != 0)
fieldName = prefix + attr[0].name;
// Would be nice to have the equivalent for the runtime debug.
fieldName = UnityEditor.ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(fieldName);
int currentParam = rows.Count + skip;
row = new DebugUI.Table.Row()
displayName = fieldName,
children = { CreateVolumeParameterWidget(Strings.interpolatedValue, stackComponent.parameterList[currentParam]) },
foreach (var volume in volumes)
VolumeParameter param = null;
var profile = volume.HasInstantiatedProfile() ? volume.profile : volume.sharedProfile;
if (profile.TryGet(selectedType, out VolumeComponent component))
param = component.parameterList[currentParam];
row.children.Add(CreateVolumeParameterWidget(volume.name + " (" + profile.name + ")", param, () => !component.parameterList[currentParam].overrideState));
row.children.Add(CreateVolumeParameterWidget(Strings.defaultValue, inst.parameterList[currentParam]));
var fields = type
.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
.OrderBy(t => t.MetadataToken);
foreach (var field in fields)
if (field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ObsoleteAttribute), false).Length != 0)
var fieldType = field.FieldType;
if (fieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(VolumeParameter)))
AddRow(field, baseName ?? string.Empty, skip);
else if (!fieldType.IsArray && fieldType.IsClass)
skip += AddParameterRows(fieldType, baseName ?? (field.Name + " "), skip);
return skip;
foreach (var r in rows.OrderBy(t => t.displayName))
for (int i = 0; i < volumes.Length; i++)
table.SetColumnVisibility(i + 1, data.volumeDebugSettings.VolumeHasInfluence(volumes[i]));
float timer = 0.0f, refreshRate = 0.2f;
table.isHiddenCallback = () =>
timer += Time.deltaTime;
if (timer >= refreshRate)
if (data.volumeDebugSettings.selectedCamera != null)
var newVolumes = data.volumeDebugSettings.GetVolumes();
if (!data.volumeDebugSettings.RefreshVolumes(newVolumes))
for (int i = 0; i < newVolumes.Length; i++)
var visible = data.volumeDebugSettings.VolumeHasInfluence(newVolumes[i]);
table.SetColumnVisibility(i + 1, visible);
if (!volumes.SequenceEqual(newVolumes))
volumes = newVolumes;
timer = 0.0f;
return false;
return table;
[DisplayInfo(name = "Volume", order = int.MaxValue)]
internal class SettingsPanel : DebugDisplaySettingsPanel<DebugDisplaySettingsVolume>
public SettingsPanel(DebugDisplaySettingsVolume data)
: base(data)
AddWidget(WidgetFactory.CreateComponentSelector(this, (_, __) => Refresh()));
AddWidget(WidgetFactory.CreateCameraSelector(this, (_, __) => Refresh()));
DebugUI.Table m_VolumeTable = null;
void Refresh()
var panel = DebugManager.instance.GetPanel(PanelName);
if (panel == null)
bool needsRefresh = false;
if (m_VolumeTable != null)
needsRefresh = true;
if (m_Data.volumeDebugSettings.selectedComponent > 0 && m_Data.volumeDebugSettings.selectedCamera != null)
needsRefresh = true;
m_VolumeTable = WidgetFactory.CreateVolumeTable(m_Data);
if (needsRefresh)
#region IDebugDisplaySettingsData
/// <summary>
/// Checks whether ANY of the debug settings are currently active.
/// </summary>
public bool AreAnySettingsActive => false; // Volume Debug Panel doesn't need to modify the renderer data, therefore this property returns false
/// <summary>
/// Checks whether the current state of these settings allows post-processing.
/// </summary>
public bool IsPostProcessingAllowed => true;
/// <summary>
/// Checks whether lighting is active for these settings.
/// </summary>
public bool IsLightingActive => true;
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to get the color used to clear the screen for this debug setting.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="color">A reference to the screen clear color to use.</param>
/// <returns>"true" if we updated the color, "false" if we didn't change anything.</returns>
public bool TryGetScreenClearColor(ref Color color)
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Creates the panel
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The panel</returns>
public IDebugDisplaySettingsPanelDisposable CreatePanel()
return new SettingsPanel(this);