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2024-09-20 20:30:10 +02:00
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RenderGraphModule
abstract class IRenderGraphResourcePool
public abstract void PurgeUnusedResources(int currentFrameIndex);
public abstract void Cleanup();
public abstract void CheckFrameAllocation(bool onException, int frameIndex);
public abstract void LogResources(RenderGraphLogger logger);
abstract class RenderGraphResourcePool<Type> : IRenderGraphResourcePool where Type : class
// Dictionary tracks resources by hash and stores resources with same hash in a List (list instead of a stack because we need to be able to remove stale allocations, potentially in the middle of the stack).
// The list needs to be sorted otherwise you could get inconsistent resource usage from one frame to another.
protected Dictionary<int, SortedList<int, (Type resource, int frameIndex)>> m_ResourcePool = new Dictionary<int, SortedList<int, (Type resource, int frameIndex)>>();
protected List<int> m_RemoveList = new List<int>(32); // Used to remove stale resources as there is no RemoveAll on SortedLists
// This list allows us to determine if all resources were correctly released in the frame.
// This is useful to warn in case of user error or avoid leaks when a render graph execution errors occurs for example.
List<(int, Type)> m_FrameAllocatedResources = new List<(int, Type)>();
protected static int s_CurrentFrameIndex;
const int kStaleResourceLifetime = 10;
// Release the GPU resource itself
protected abstract void ReleaseInternalResource(Type res);
protected abstract string GetResourceName(Type res);
protected abstract long GetResourceSize(Type res);
protected abstract string GetResourceTypeName();
protected abstract int GetSortIndex(Type res);
public void ReleaseResource(int hash, Type resource, int currentFrameIndex)
if (!m_ResourcePool.TryGetValue(hash, out var list))
list = new SortedList<int, (Type resource, int frameIndex)>();
m_ResourcePool.Add(hash, list);
list.Add(GetSortIndex(resource), (resource, currentFrameIndex));
public bool TryGetResource(int hashCode, out Type resource)
if (m_ResourcePool.TryGetValue(hashCode, out SortedList<int, (Type resource, int frameIndex)> list) && list.Count > 0)
resource = list.Values[list.Count - 1].resource;
list.RemoveAt(list.Count - 1); // O(1) since it's the last element.
return true;
resource = null;
return false;
public override void Cleanup()
foreach (var kvp in m_ResourcePool)
foreach (var res in kvp.Value)
public void RegisterFrameAllocation(int hash, Type value)
if (hash != -1)
m_FrameAllocatedResources.Add((hash, value));
public void UnregisterFrameAllocation(int hash, Type value)
if (hash != -1)
m_FrameAllocatedResources.Remove((hash, value));
public override void CheckFrameAllocation(bool onException, int frameIndex)
// In case of exception we need to release all resources to the pool to avoid leaking.
// If it's not an exception then it's a user error so we need to log the problem.
if (m_FrameAllocatedResources.Count != 0)
string logMessage = "";
if (!onException)
logMessage = $"RenderGraph: Not all resources of type {GetResourceTypeName()} were released. This can be caused by a resources being allocated but never read by any pass.";
foreach (var value in m_FrameAllocatedResources)
if (!onException)
logMessage = $"{logMessage}\n\t{GetResourceName(value.Item2)}";
ReleaseResource(value.Item1, value.Item2, frameIndex);
// If an error occurred during execution, it's expected that textures are not all released so we clear the tracking list.
struct ResourceLogInfo
public string name;
public long size;
public override void LogResources(RenderGraphLogger logger)
List<ResourceLogInfo> allocationList = new List<ResourceLogInfo>();
foreach (var kvp in m_ResourcePool)
foreach (var res in kvp.Value)
allocationList.Add(new ResourceLogInfo { name = GetResourceName(res.Value.resource), size = GetResourceSize(res.Value.resource) });
logger.LogLine($"== {GetResourceTypeName()} Resources ==");
allocationList.Sort((a, b) => a.size < b.size ? 1 : -1);
int index = 0;
float total = 0;
foreach (var element in allocationList)
float size = element.size / (1024.0f * 1024.0f);
total += size;
logger.LogLine($"[{index++:D2}]\t[{size:0.00} MB]\t{element.name}");
logger.LogLine($"\nTotal Size [{total:0.00}]");
static protected bool ShouldReleaseResource(int lastUsedFrameIndex, int currentFrameIndex)
// We need to have a delay of a few frames before releasing resources for good.
// Indeed, when having multiple off-screen cameras, they are rendered in a separate SRP render call and thus with a different frame index than main camera
// This causes texture to be deallocated/reallocated every frame if the two cameras don't need the same buffers.
return (lastUsedFrameIndex + kStaleResourceLifetime) < currentFrameIndex;