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2024-09-20 20:30:10 +02:00
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace UnityEngine.Rendering
class AtlasAllocatorDynamic
private class AtlasNodePool
internal AtlasNode[] m_Nodes;
Int16 m_Next;
Int16 m_FreelistHead;
public AtlasNodePool(Int16 capacity)
m_Nodes = new AtlasNode[capacity];
m_Next = 0;
m_FreelistHead = -1;
public void Dispose()
m_Nodes = null;
public void Clear()
m_Next = 0;
m_FreelistHead = -1;
public Int16 AtlasNodeCreate(Int16 parent)
Debug.Assert((m_Next < m_Nodes.Length) || (m_FreelistHead != -1), "Error: AtlasNodePool: Out of memory. Please pre-allocate pool to larger capacity");
if (m_FreelistHead != -1)
Int16 freelistHeadNext = m_Nodes[m_FreelistHead].m_FreelistNext;
m_Nodes[m_FreelistHead] = new AtlasNode(m_FreelistHead, parent);
Int16 res = m_FreelistHead;
m_FreelistHead = freelistHeadNext;
return res;
m_Nodes[m_Next] = new AtlasNode(m_Next, parent);
return m_Next++;
public void AtlasNodeFree(Int16 index)
Debug.Assert(index >= 0 && index < m_Nodes.Length, "Error: AtlasNodeFree: index out of range.");
m_Nodes[index].m_FreelistNext = m_FreelistHead;
m_FreelistHead = index;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size = 32)]
private struct AtlasNode
private enum AtlasNodeFlags : uint
IsOccupied = 1 << 0
[FieldOffset(0)] public Int16 m_Self;
[FieldOffset(2)] public Int16 m_Parent;
[FieldOffset(4)] public Int16 m_LeftChild;
[FieldOffset(6)] public Int16 m_RightChild;
[FieldOffset(8)] public Int16 m_FreelistNext;
[FieldOffset(10)] public UInt16 m_Flags;
// [15:12] bytes are padding
[FieldOffset(16)] public Vector4 m_Rect;
public AtlasNode(Int16 self, Int16 parent)
m_Self = self;
m_Parent = parent;
m_LeftChild = -1;
m_RightChild = -1;
m_Flags = 0;
m_FreelistNext = -1;
m_Rect = Vector4.zero; // x,y is width and height (scale) z,w offset into atlas (bias)
public bool IsOccupied()
return (m_Flags & (UInt16)AtlasNodeFlags.IsOccupied) > 0;
public void SetIsOccupied()
UInt16 isOccupiedMask = (UInt16)AtlasNodeFlags.IsOccupied;
m_Flags |= isOccupiedMask;
public void ClearIsOccupied()
UInt16 isOccupiedMask = (UInt16)AtlasNodeFlags.IsOccupied;
m_Flags &= (UInt16)~isOccupiedMask;
public bool IsLeafNode()
// Note: Only need to check if m_LeftChild == null, as either both are allocated (split), or none are allocated (leaf).
return m_LeftChild == -1;
public Int16 Allocate(AtlasNodePool pool, int width, int height)
if (Mathf.Min(width, height) < 1)
// Degenerate allocation requested.
Debug.Assert(false, "Error: Texture2DAtlasDynamic: Attempted to allocate a degenerate region. Please ensure width and height are >= 1");
return -1;
// not a leaf node, try children
// TODO: Rather than always going left, then right, we might want to always attempt to allocate in the smaller child, then larger.
if (!IsLeafNode())
Int16 node = pool.m_Nodes[m_LeftChild].Allocate(pool, width, height);
if (node == -1)
node = pool.m_Nodes[m_RightChild].Allocate(pool, width, height);
return node;
// leaf node, check for fit
if (IsOccupied()) { return -1; }
if (width > m_Rect.x || height > m_Rect.y) { return -1; }
// perform the split
Debug.Assert(m_LeftChild == -1);
Debug.Assert(m_RightChild == -1);
m_LeftChild = pool.AtlasNodeCreate(m_Self);
m_RightChild = pool.AtlasNodeCreate(m_Self);
// Debug.Log("m_LeftChild = " + m_LeftChild);
// Debug.Log("m_RightChild = " + m_RightChild);
Debug.Assert(m_LeftChild >= 0 && m_LeftChild < pool.m_Nodes.Length);
Debug.Assert(m_RightChild >= 0 && m_RightChild < pool.m_Nodes.Length);
// Debug.Log("Rect = {" + m_Rect.x + ", " + m_Rect.y + ", " + m_Rect.z + ", " + m_Rect.w + "}");
float deltaX = m_Rect.x - width;
float deltaY = m_Rect.y - height;
// Debug.Log("deltaX = " + deltaX);
// Debug.Log("deltaY = " + deltaY);
if (deltaX >= deltaY)
// Debug.Log("Split horizontally");
// +--------+------+
// | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// +--------+------+
pool.m_Nodes[m_LeftChild].m_Rect.x = width;
pool.m_Nodes[m_LeftChild].m_Rect.y = m_Rect.y;
pool.m_Nodes[m_LeftChild].m_Rect.z = m_Rect.z;
pool.m_Nodes[m_LeftChild].m_Rect.w = m_Rect.w;
pool.m_Nodes[m_RightChild].m_Rect.x = deltaX;
pool.m_Nodes[m_RightChild].m_Rect.y = m_Rect.y;
pool.m_Nodes[m_RightChild].m_Rect.z = m_Rect.z + width;
pool.m_Nodes[m_RightChild].m_Rect.w = m_Rect.w;
if (deltaY < 1)
return m_LeftChild;
Int16 node = pool.m_Nodes[m_LeftChild].Allocate(pool, width, height);
if (node >= 0) { pool.m_Nodes[node].SetIsOccupied(); }
return node;
// Debug.Log("Split vertically.");
// +---------------+
// | |
// |---------------|
// | |
// | |
// +---------------+
pool.m_Nodes[m_LeftChild].m_Rect.x = m_Rect.x;
pool.m_Nodes[m_LeftChild].m_Rect.y = height;
pool.m_Nodes[m_LeftChild].m_Rect.z = m_Rect.z;
pool.m_Nodes[m_LeftChild].m_Rect.w = m_Rect.w;
pool.m_Nodes[m_RightChild].m_Rect.x = m_Rect.x;
pool.m_Nodes[m_RightChild].m_Rect.y = deltaY;
pool.m_Nodes[m_RightChild].m_Rect.z = m_Rect.z;
pool.m_Nodes[m_RightChild].m_Rect.w = m_Rect.w + height;
if (deltaX < 1)
return m_LeftChild;
Int16 node = pool.m_Nodes[m_LeftChild].Allocate(pool, width, height);
if (node >= 0) { pool.m_Nodes[node].SetIsOccupied(); }
return node;
public void ReleaseChildren(AtlasNodePool pool)
if (IsLeafNode()) { return; }
m_LeftChild = -1;
m_RightChild = -1;
public void ReleaseAndMerge(AtlasNodePool pool)
Int16 n = m_Self;
n = pool.m_Nodes[n].m_Parent;
while (n >= 0 && pool.m_Nodes[n].IsMergeNeeded(pool));
public bool IsMergeNeeded(AtlasNodePool pool)
return pool.m_Nodes[m_LeftChild].IsLeafNode() && (!pool.m_Nodes[m_LeftChild].IsOccupied())
&& pool.m_Nodes[m_RightChild].IsLeafNode() && (!pool.m_Nodes[m_RightChild].IsOccupied());
private int m_Width;
private int m_Height;
private AtlasNodePool m_Pool;
private Int16 m_Root;
private Dictionary<int, Int16> m_NodeFromID;
public AtlasAllocatorDynamic(int width, int height, int capacityAllocations)
// In an evenly split binary tree, the nodeCount == leafNodeCount * 2
int capacityNodes = capacityAllocations * 2;
Debug.Assert(capacityNodes < (1 << 16), "Error: AtlasAllocatorDynamic: Attempted to allocate a capacity of " + capacityNodes + ", which is greater than our 16-bit indices can support. Please request a capacity <=" + (1 << 16));
m_Pool = new AtlasNodePool((Int16)capacityNodes);
m_NodeFromID = new Dictionary<int, Int16>(capacityAllocations);
Int16 rootParent = -1;
m_Root = m_Pool.AtlasNodeCreate(rootParent);
m_Pool.m_Nodes[m_Root].m_Rect.Set(width, height, 0, 0);
m_Width = width;
m_Height = height;
// string debug = "";
// DebugStringFromNode(ref debug, m_Root);
// Debug.Log("Allocating atlas = " + debug);
public bool Allocate(out Vector4 result, int key, int width, int height)
Int16 node = m_Pool.m_Nodes[m_Root].Allocate(m_Pool, width, height);
if (node >= 0)
result = m_Pool.m_Nodes[node].m_Rect;
m_NodeFromID.Add(key, node);
return true;
result = Vector4.zero;
return false;
public void Release(int key)
if (m_NodeFromID.TryGetValue(key, out Int16 node))
Debug.Assert(node >= 0 && node < m_Pool.m_Nodes.Length);
public void Release()
m_Root = m_Pool.AtlasNodeCreate(-1);
m_Pool.m_Nodes[m_Root].m_Rect.Set(m_Width, m_Height, 0, 0);
public string DebugStringFromRoot(int depthMax = -1)
string res = "";
DebugStringFromNode(ref res, m_Root, 0, depthMax);
return res;
private void DebugStringFromNode(ref string res, Int16 n, int depthCurrent = 0, int depthMax = -1)
res += "{[" + depthCurrent + "], isOccupied = " + (m_Pool.m_Nodes[n].IsOccupied() ? "true" : "false") + ", self = " + m_Pool.m_Nodes[n].m_Self + ", " + m_Pool.m_Nodes[n].m_Rect.x + "," + m_Pool.m_Nodes[n].m_Rect.y + ", " + m_Pool.m_Nodes[n].m_Rect.z + ", " + m_Pool.m_Nodes[n].m_Rect.w + "}\n";
if (depthMax == -1 || depthCurrent < depthMax)
if (m_Pool.m_Nodes[n].m_LeftChild >= 0)
DebugStringFromNode(ref res, m_Pool.m_Nodes[n].m_LeftChild, depthCurrent + 1, depthMax);
if (m_Pool.m_Nodes[n].m_RightChild >= 0)
DebugStringFromNode(ref res, m_Pool.m_Nodes[n].m_RightChild, depthCurrent + 1, depthMax);
/// <summary>
/// A generic Atlas texture of 2D textures.
/// An atlas texture is a texture collection that collects multiple sub-textures into a single big texture.
/// Sub-texture allocation for Texture2DAtlasDynamic is dynamic.
/// </summary>
internal class Texture2DAtlasDynamic
private RTHandle m_AtlasTexture = null;
private bool isAtlasTextureOwner = false;
private int m_Width;
private int m_Height;
private GraphicsFormat m_Format;
private AtlasAllocatorDynamic m_AtlasAllocator = null;
private Dictionary<int, Vector4> m_AllocationCache;
/// <summary>
/// Handle to the texture of the atlas.
/// </summary>
public RTHandle AtlasTexture
return m_AtlasTexture;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new empty texture atlas.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="width">Atlas width.</param>
/// <param name="height">Atlas height.</param>
/// <param name="capacity">Maximum number of items in the atlas.</param>
/// <param name="format">Atlas format.</param>
public Texture2DAtlasDynamic(int width, int height, int capacity, GraphicsFormat format)
m_Width = width;
m_Height = height;
m_Format = format;
m_AtlasTexture = RTHandles.Alloc(
isAtlasTextureOwner = true;
m_AtlasAllocator = new AtlasAllocatorDynamic(width, height, capacity);
m_AllocationCache = new Dictionary<int, Vector4>(capacity);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new empty texture atlas. Use external atlas texture.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="width">Atlas width.</param>
/// <param name="height">Atlas height.</param>
/// <param name="capacity">Maximum number of items in the atlas.</param>
/// <param name="atlasTexture">Atlas texture.</param>
public Texture2DAtlasDynamic(int width, int height, int capacity, RTHandle atlasTexture)
m_Width = width;
m_Height = height;
m_Format = atlasTexture.rt.graphicsFormat;
m_AtlasTexture = atlasTexture;
isAtlasTextureOwner = false;
m_AtlasAllocator = new AtlasAllocatorDynamic(width, height, capacity);
m_AllocationCache = new Dictionary<int, Vector4>(capacity);
/// <summary>
/// Release atlas resources.
/// </summary>
public void Release()
if (isAtlasTextureOwner) { RTHandles.Release(m_AtlasTexture); }
/// <summary>
/// Clear atlas sub-texture allocations.
/// </summary>
public void ResetAllocator()
/// <summary>
/// Add a texture into the atlas.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cmd">A command buffer Unity uses to upload the texture.</param>
/// <param name="scaleOffset">The texture rectangle coordinates in the atlas.</param>
/// <param name="texture">The texture added.</param>
/// <returns>Returns True if Unity successfully adds the texture.</returns>
public bool AddTexture(CommandBuffer cmd, out Vector4 scaleOffset, Texture texture)
int key = texture.GetInstanceID();
if (!m_AllocationCache.TryGetValue(key, out scaleOffset))
int width = texture.width;
int height = texture.height;
if (m_AtlasAllocator.Allocate(out scaleOffset, key, width, height))
scaleOffset.Scale(new Vector4(1.0f / m_Width, 1.0f / m_Height, 1.0f / m_Width, 1.0f / m_Height));
for (int mipLevel = 0; mipLevel < (texture as Texture2D).mipmapCount; mipLevel++)
cmd.SetRenderTarget(m_AtlasTexture, mipLevel);
Blitter.BlitQuad(cmd, texture, new Vector4(1, 1, 0, 0), scaleOffset, mipLevel, false);
m_AllocationCache.Add(key, scaleOffset);
return true;
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Check if the atlas contains the texture.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="scaleOffset">The texture rectangle coordinates in the atlas.</param>
/// <param name="key">The key that identifies the texture.</param>
/// <returns>Returns True if the texture is cached.</returns>
public bool IsCached(out Vector4 scaleOffset, int key)
return m_AllocationCache.TryGetValue(key, out scaleOffset);
/// <summary>
/// Allocate space from the atlas.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isUploadNeeded">Wether the texture upload is needed after Unity ensures that the slot is allocated.</param>
/// <param name="scaleOffset">The texture rectangle coordinates in the atlas.</param>
/// <param name="key">The key that identifies the texture.</param>
/// <param name="width">Width of the texture.</param>
/// <param name="height">Height of the texture.</param>
/// <returns>Returns True if Unity successfully allocates the slot.</returns>
public bool EnsureTextureSlot(out bool isUploadNeeded, out Vector4 scaleOffset, int key, int width, int height)
isUploadNeeded = false;
if (m_AllocationCache.TryGetValue(key, out scaleOffset)) { return true; }
// Debug.Log("EnsureTextureSlot Before = " + m_AtlasAllocator.DebugStringFromRoot());
if (!m_AtlasAllocator.Allocate(out scaleOffset, key, width, height)) { return false; }
// Debug.Log("EnsureTextureSlot After = " + m_AtlasAllocator.DebugStringFromRoot());
isUploadNeeded = true;
scaleOffset.Scale(new Vector4(1.0f / m_Width, 1.0f / m_Height, 1.0f / m_Width, 1.0f / m_Height));
m_AllocationCache.Add(key, scaleOffset);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Release allocated space from the atlas.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="key">The key that identifies the texture.</param>
public void ReleaseTextureSlot(int key)