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The result is a frosted glass effect.\n\nThe Custom Function node allows us to do nested loops - something that wouldn't otherwise be possible in Shader Graph.", "m_TextSize": 0, "m_Theme": 0, "m_Position": { "serializedVersion": "2", "x": -512.5000610351563, "y": 99.50001525878906, "width": 200.0, "height": 185.00001525878907 }, "m_Group": { "m_Id": "590ee3e0b3644cb580928a2787074b7c" } } { "m_SGVersion": 0, "m_Type": "UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.CategoryData", "m_ObjectId": "5090fb8e6f754c109fea9d0dd88f5cc7", "m_Name": "", "m_ChildObjectList": [] } { "m_SGVersion": 0, "m_Type": "UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.DynamicVectorMaterialSlot", "m_ObjectId": "50c9d8ae67f04354aa86e3d0ec732b1c", "m_Id": 0, "m_DisplayName": "A", "m_SlotType": 0, "m_Hidden": false, "m_ShaderOutputName": "A", "m_StageCapability": 3, "m_Value": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0, "w": 0.0 }, "m_DefaultValue": { "x": 0.0, "y": 0.0, "z": 0.0, "w": 0.0 } } { "m_SGVersion": 0, "m_Type": 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