using System.IO; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine.UIElements; using PlasticGui; using Unity.PlasticSCM.Editor.AssetUtils; namespace Unity.PlasticSCM.Editor.UI.UIElements { internal static class UIElementsExtensions { internal static void LoadLayout( this VisualElement element, string className) { string uxmlRelativePath = Path.Combine( AssetsPath.GetLayoutsFolderRelativePath(), string.Format("{0}.uxml", className)); VisualTreeAsset visualTree = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<VisualTreeAsset>( uxmlRelativePath); if (visualTree == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogErrorFormat( "Layout {0} not found at path {1}", className, uxmlRelativePath); return; } visualTree.CloneTree(element); } internal static void LoadStyle( this VisualElement element, string className) { string ussRelativePath = Path.Combine( AssetsPath.GetStylesFolderRelativePath(), string.Format("{0}.uss", className)); StyleSheet sheet = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<StyleSheet>( ussRelativePath); if (sheet != null) { element.styleSheets.Add(sheet); } string ussSkinRelativePath = Path.Combine( AssetsPath.GetStylesFolderRelativePath(), string.Format("{0}.{1}.uss", className, EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? "dark" : "light")); StyleSheet skinSheet = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<StyleSheet>( ussSkinRelativePath); if (skinSheet == null) return; element.styleSheets.Add(skinSheet); } internal static void FocusOnceLoaded( this TextField elem) { // Really weird behavior from UIElements, apperently in order // to focus a text field you have to wait for it to attach to // the panel and then focus it's TextInputBaseField child // control rather than the TextField itself. For more see: // elem.RegisterCallback<AttachToPanelEvent>( _ => elem.Q(TextInputBaseField<string>.textInputUssName).Focus()); } internal static void FocusWorkaround(this TextField textField) { // textField.Q("unity-text-input").Focus(); } internal static void SetControlImage( this VisualElement element, string name, Images.Name imageName) { Image imageElem = element.Query<Image>(name).First(); imageElem.image = Images.GetImage(imageName); } internal static void SetControlText<T>( this VisualElement element, string name, PlasticLocalization.Name fieldName, params string[] format) where T : VisualElement { dynamic control = element.Query<T>(name).First(); string str = PlasticLocalization.GetString(fieldName); control.text = format.Length > 0 ? string.Format(str, format) : str; } internal static void SetControlLabel<T>( this VisualElement element, string name, PlasticLocalization.Name fieldName) where T : VisualElement { dynamic control = element.Query<T>(name).First(); control.label = PlasticLocalization.GetString(fieldName); } } }