2024-09-20 20:30:10 +02:00

537 lines
25 KiB

using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using UnityEngine;
public class TextEditorTests
TextEditor m_TextEditor;
static IEnumerable textWithCodePointBoundaryIndices
yield return new TestCaseData("", new[] { 0 });
yield return new TestCaseData("abc", new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 });
yield return new TestCaseData("\U0001f642", new[] { 0, 2 }).SetName("(U+1F642)");
yield return new TestCaseData("\U0001f642\U0001f643", new[] { 0, 2, 4 }).SetName("(U+1F642)(U+1F643)");
yield return new TestCaseData("a\U0001f642b\U0001f643c", new[] { 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 }).SetName("a(U+1F642)b(U+1F643)c");
// The following test cases are disabled due to instabilities on multiple platforms (case 1327166).
yield return new TestCaseData("Hello 😁 World", new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 }).SetName("Hello (U+1F601) World");
yield return new TestCaseData("見ざる🙈、聞かざる🙉、言わざる🙊", new[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19 }).SetName("Three wise monkeys");
static IEnumerable textWithWordStartAndEndIndices
yield return new TestCaseData("", new int[0], new int[0]);
yield return new TestCaseData(" ", new int[0], new int[0]);
yield return new TestCaseData("one two three", new[] { 0, 4, 8 }, new[] { 3, 7, 13 });
// The following test cases are disabled due to instabilities on multiple platforms (case 1327166).
yield return new TestCaseData("\U00010000 \U00010001 \U00010002\U00010003", new[] { 0, 3, 6 }, new[] { 2, 5, 10 }).SetName("(U+10000) (U+10001) (U+10002)(U+10003)");
yield return new TestCaseData("Hello 😁 World", new[] { 0, 6, 9 }, new[] { 5, 8, 14 }).SetName("Hello (U+1F601) World");
yield return new TestCaseData("見ざる🙈、聞かざる🙉、言わざる🙊", new[] { 0, 3, 6, 10, 13, 17 }, new[] { 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 19 }).SetName("Three wise monkeys");
// A sequences of punctuation characters is currently considered a word when deleting
static IEnumerable textWithWordStartAndEndIndicesWherePunctuationIsAWord
yield return new TestCaseData(" ,. abc,. ", new[] { 1, 4, 7 }, new[] { 3, 7, 9 });
// but not when moving/selecting
static IEnumerable textWithWordStartAndEndIndicesWherePunctuationIsNotAWord
yield return new TestCaseData(" ,. abc,. ", new[] { 4 }, new[] { 7 });
static IEnumerable textWithLineStartIndices
yield return new TestCaseData("\n\na\nbc\n\U0001f642\n\U0001f642\U0001f643\n\n ", new[] { 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 15, 16 }).SetName("(LF)(LF)a(LF)bc(LF)(U+1F642)(LF)(U+1F642)(U+1F643)(LF)(LF) ");
yield return new TestCaseData("\n\na\nbc\n🙂\n🙂🙃\n\n ", new[] { 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 15, 16 }).SetName("(LF)(LF)a(LF)bc(LF)(U+1F642)(LF)(U+1F642)(U+1F643)(LF)(LF) ");
static IEnumerable textWithLineEndIndices
yield return new TestCaseData("\n\na\nbc\n\U0001f642\n\U0001f642\U0001f643\n\n ", new[] { 0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 14, 15, 17 }).SetName("(LF)(LF)a(LF)bc(LF)(U+1F642)(LF)(U+1F642)(U+1F643)(LF)(LF) ");
yield return new TestCaseData("\n\na\nbc\n🙂\n🙂🙃\n\n ", new[] { 0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 14, 15, 17 }).SetName("(LF)(LF)a(LF)bc(LF)(U+1F642)(LF)(U+1F642)(U+1F643)(LF)(LF) ");
static IEnumerable textWithExpectedCursorAndSelectIndicesWhenSelectingCurrentWordAtIndex
yield return new TestCaseData("", new[] { 0 }, new[] { 0 });
yield return new TestCaseData(" ", new[] { 1, 1 }, new[] { 0, 0 });
yield return new TestCaseData("a", new[] { 1, 1 }, new[] { 0, 0 });
yield return new TestCaseData("ab", new[] { 2, 2, 2 }, new[] { 0, 0, 0 });
yield return new TestCaseData("ab cd", new[] { 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6 }, new[] { 0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4 });
yield return new TestCaseData("a,, ,, ,,b", new[] { 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 9, 9, 11, 11, 12, 12 }, new[] { 0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 9, 9, 11, 11 });
public void TestSetup()
m_TextEditor = new TextEditor();
public void SetText_MovesCursorAndSelectIndicesToNextCodePointIndexIfInvalid()
m_TextEditor.text = "ab";
m_TextEditor.cursorIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex = 1;
m_TextEditor.text = "\U0001f642";
Assert.AreEqual(2, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, "cursorIndex at invalid code point index");
Assert.AreEqual(2, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, "selectIndex at invalid code point index");
[Test, TestCaseSource("textWithCodePointBoundaryIndices")]
public void SetCursorAndSelectIndices_MovesToNextCodePointIndexIfInvalid(string text, int[] codePointIndices)
m_TextEditor.text = text;
for (var index = 0; index <= text.Length; index++)
m_TextEditor.cursorIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex = index;
var nextCodePointIndex = index == text.Length ? index : codePointIndices.First(codePointIndex => codePointIndex > index);
if (codePointIndices.Contains(index))
Assert.AreEqual(index, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, string.Format("cursorIndex {0} should not change if it's already at a valid code point index", index));
Assert.AreEqual(nextCodePointIndex, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, string.Format("cursorIndex {0} did not move to next code point index", index));
if (codePointIndices.Contains(index))
Assert.AreEqual(index, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, string.Format("selectIndex {0} should not change if it's already at a valid code point index", index));
Assert.AreEqual(nextCodePointIndex, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, string.Format("selectIndex {0} did not move to next code point index", index));
public void DeleteWordBack_DeletesBackToPreviousWordStart(string text, int[] wordStartIndices, int[] wordEndIndices)
for (var index = 0; index <= text.Length; index++)
m_TextEditor.text = text;
m_TextEditor.cursorIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex = index;
var oldCursorIndex = m_TextEditor.cursorIndex;
var oldSelectIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex;
var previousWordStart = wordStartIndices.Reverse().FirstOrDefault(i => i < oldCursorIndex);
Assert.AreEqual(previousWordStart, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, string.Format("cursorIndex {0} did not move to previous word start", oldCursorIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(previousWordStart, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, string.Format("selectIndex {0} did not move to previous word start", oldSelectIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(text.Remove(previousWordStart, oldCursorIndex - previousWordStart), m_TextEditor.text, string.Format("wrong resulting text for cursorIndex {0}", oldCursorIndex));
public void DeleteWordForward_DeletesForwardToNextWordStart(string text, int[] wordStartIndices, int[] wordEndIndices)
for (var index = 0; index <= text.Length; index++)
m_TextEditor.text = text;
m_TextEditor.cursorIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex = index;
var oldCursorIndex = m_TextEditor.cursorIndex;
var oldSelectIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex;
var nextWordStart = oldCursorIndex == text.Length ? text.Length : wordStartIndices.Concat(new[] { text.Length }).First(i => i > oldCursorIndex);
Assert.AreEqual(oldCursorIndex, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, string.Format("cursorIndex {0} should not change", oldCursorIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(oldSelectIndex, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, string.Format("selectIndex {0} should not change", oldSelectIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(text.Remove(oldCursorIndex, nextWordStart - oldCursorIndex), m_TextEditor.text, string.Format("wrong resulting text for cursorIndex {0}", oldCursorIndex));
[Test, TestCaseSource("textWithCodePointBoundaryIndices")]
public void Delete_RemovesCodePointRightOfCursor(string text, int[] codePointIndices)
for (var i = 0; i < codePointIndices.Length; i++)
var codePointIndex = codePointIndices[i];
m_TextEditor.text = text;
m_TextEditor.cursorIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex = codePointIndex;
var nextCodePointIndex = i < codePointIndices.Length - 1 ? codePointIndices[i + 1] : codePointIndex;
Assert.AreEqual(codePointIndex, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, "cursorIndex should not change");
Assert.AreEqual(codePointIndex, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, "selectIndex should not change");
Assert.AreEqual(text.Remove(codePointIndex, nextCodePointIndex - codePointIndex), m_TextEditor.text, string.Format("wrong resulting text for cursorIndex {0}", codePointIndex));
[Test, TestCaseSource("textWithCodePointBoundaryIndices")]
public void Backspace_RemovesCodePointLeftOfCursor(string text, int[] codePointIndices)
for (var i = codePointIndices.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var codePointIndex = codePointIndices[i];
m_TextEditor.text = text;
m_TextEditor.cursorIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex = codePointIndex;
var oldCursorIndex = m_TextEditor.cursorIndex;
var oldSelectIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex;
var previousCodePointIndex = i > 0 ? codePointIndices[i - 1] : codePointIndex;
var codePointLength = codePointIndex - previousCodePointIndex;
Assert.AreEqual(oldCursorIndex - codePointLength, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, string.Format("cursorIndex {0} did not move to before removed code point", oldCursorIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(oldSelectIndex - codePointLength, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, string.Format("selectIndex {0} did not move to before removed code point", oldSelectIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(text.Remove(previousCodePointIndex, codePointLength), m_TextEditor.text);
[Test, TestCaseSource("textWithCodePointBoundaryIndices")]
public void MoveRight_SkipsInvalidCodePointIndices(string text, int[] codePointIndices)
m_TextEditor.text = text;
m_TextEditor.cursorIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex = 0;
foreach (var expectedIndex in codePointIndices.Skip(1))
var oldCursorIndex = m_TextEditor.cursorIndex;
var oldSelectIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex;
Assert.AreEqual(expectedIndex, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, string.Format("cursorIndex {0} did not move to next code point index", oldCursorIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(expectedIndex, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, string.Format("selectIndex {0} did not move to next code point index", oldSelectIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(text.Length, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, "cursorIndex did not reach end");
Assert.AreEqual(text.Length, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, "selectIndex did not reach end");
Assert.AreEqual(text.Length, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, "cursorIndex at end should not change");
Assert.AreEqual(text.Length, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, "selectIndex at end should not change");
[Test, TestCaseSource("textWithCodePointBoundaryIndices")]
public void MoveLeft_SkipsInvalidCodePointIndices(string text, int[] codePointIndices)
m_TextEditor.text = text;
m_TextEditor.cursorIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex = text.Length;
foreach (var expectedIndex in codePointIndices.Reverse().Skip(1))
var oldCursorIndex = m_TextEditor.cursorIndex;
var oldSelectIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex;
Assert.AreEqual(expectedIndex, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, string.Format("cursorIndex {0} did not move to previous code point index", oldCursorIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(expectedIndex, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, string.Format("selectIndex {0} did not move to previous code point index", oldSelectIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(0, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, "cursorIndex did not reach start");
Assert.AreEqual(0, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, "selectIndex did not reach start");
Assert.AreEqual(0, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, "cursorIndex at start should not change");
Assert.AreEqual(0, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, "selectIndex at start should not change");
[Test, TestCaseSource("textWithLineStartIndices")]
public void MoveLineStart_MovesCursorAfterPreviousLineFeed(string text, int[] lineStartIndices)
m_TextEditor.text = text;
for (var index = 0; index <= text.Length; index++)
m_TextEditor.cursorIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex = index;
var oldCursorIndex = m_TextEditor.cursorIndex;
var oldSelectIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex;
var lineStart = lineStartIndices.Reverse().FirstOrDefault(i => i <= oldCursorIndex);
Assert.AreEqual(lineStart, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, string.Format("cursorIndex {0} did not move to line start", oldCursorIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(lineStart, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, string.Format("selectIndex {0} did not move to line start", oldSelectIndex));
[Test, TestCaseSource("textWithLineEndIndices")]
public void MoveLineEnd_MovesCursorBeforeNextLineFeed(string text, int[] lineEndIndices)
m_TextEditor.text = text;
for (var index = 0; index <= text.Length; index++)
m_TextEditor.cursorIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex = index;
var oldCursorIndex = m_TextEditor.cursorIndex;
var oldSelectIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex;
var lineEnd = lineEndIndices.First(i => i >= oldCursorIndex);
Assert.AreEqual(lineEnd, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, string.Format("cursorIndex {0} did not move to line end", oldCursorIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(lineEnd, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, string.Format("selectIndex {0} did not move to line end", oldSelectIndex));
public void MoveTextStart_MovesCursorToStartOfText()
m_TextEditor.text = "Hello World";
m_TextEditor.cursorIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex = 5;
Assert.AreEqual(0, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, "cursorIndex did not move to start of text");
Assert.AreEqual(0, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, "selectIndex did not move to start of text");
public void MoveTextEnd_MovesCursorToEndOfText()
m_TextEditor.text = "Hello World";
m_TextEditor.cursorIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex = 5;
Assert.AreEqual(m_TextEditor.text.Length, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, "cursorIndex did not move to end of text");
Assert.AreEqual(m_TextEditor.text.Length, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, "selectIndex did not move to end of text");
[Test, TestCaseSource("textWithCodePointBoundaryIndices")]
public void SelectLeft_ExpandSelectionToPreviousCodePoint(string text, int[] codePointIndices)
m_TextEditor.text = text;
m_TextEditor.cursorIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex = text.Length;
foreach (var expectedCursorIndex in codePointIndices.Reverse().Skip(1))
var oldCursorIndex = m_TextEditor.cursorIndex;
var oldSelectIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex;
Assert.AreEqual(expectedCursorIndex, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, string.Format("cursorIndex {0} did not move to previous code point index", oldCursorIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(oldSelectIndex, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, "selectIndex should not change");
Assert.AreEqual(0, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, "cursorIndex did not reach start");
Assert.AreEqual(0, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, "cursorIndex at start should not change");
[Test, TestCaseSource("textWithCodePointBoundaryIndices")]
public void SelectRight_ExpandSelectionToNextCodePoint(string text, int[] codePointIndices)
m_TextEditor.text = text;
m_TextEditor.cursorIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex = 0;
foreach (var expectedCursorIndex in codePointIndices.Skip(1))
var oldCursorIndex = m_TextEditor.cursorIndex;
var oldSelectIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex;
Assert.AreEqual(expectedCursorIndex, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, string.Format("cursorIndex {0} did not move to next code point index", oldCursorIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(oldSelectIndex, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, "selectIndex should not change");
Assert.AreEqual(text.Length, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, "cursorIndex did not reach end");
Assert.AreEqual(text.Length, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, "cursorIndex at end should not change");
public void MoveWordRight_MovesCursorToNextWordEnd(string text, int[] wordStartIndices, int[] wordEndIndices)
if (text.Any(char.IsSurrogate))
Assert.Ignore("char.IsLetterOrDigit(string, int) does not currently work correctly with surrogates");
m_TextEditor.text = text;
for (var index = 0; index <= text.Length; index++)
m_TextEditor.cursorIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex = index;
var oldCursorIndex = m_TextEditor.cursorIndex;
var oldSelectIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex;
var nextWordEnd = wordEndIndices.FirstOrDefault(i => i > oldCursorIndex);
if (nextWordEnd == 0)
nextWordEnd = text.Length;
Assert.AreEqual(nextWordEnd, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, string.Format("cursorIndex {0} did not move to next word start", oldCursorIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(nextWordEnd, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, string.Format("selectIndex {0} did not move to next word start", oldSelectIndex));
public void MoveToStartOfNextWord_MovesCursorToNextWordStart(string text, int[] wordStartIndices, int[] wordEndIndices)
m_TextEditor.text = text;
for (var index = 0; index <= text.Length; index++)
m_TextEditor.cursorIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex = index;
var oldCursorIndex = m_TextEditor.cursorIndex;
var oldSelectIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex;
var nextWordStart = oldCursorIndex == text.Length ? text.Length : wordStartIndices.Concat(new[] { text.Length }).First(i => i > oldCursorIndex);
Assert.AreEqual(nextWordStart, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, string.Format("cursorIndex {0} did not move to start of next word", oldCursorIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(nextWordStart, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, string.Format("selectIndex {0} did not move to start of next word", oldSelectIndex));
public void MoveToEndOfPreviousWord_MovesCursorToPreviousWordStart(string text, int[] wordStartIndices, int[] wordEndIndices)
m_TextEditor.text = text;
for (var index = 0; index <= text.Length; index++)
m_TextEditor.cursorIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex = index;
var oldCursorIndex = m_TextEditor.cursorIndex;
var oldSelectIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex;
var previousWordStart = wordStartIndices.Reverse().FirstOrDefault(i => i < oldCursorIndex);
Assert.AreEqual(previousWordStart, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, string.Format("cursorIndex {0} did not move to previous word start", oldCursorIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(previousWordStart, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, string.Format("selectIndex {0} did not move to previous word start", oldSelectIndex));
public void FindStartOfNextWord_ReturnsIndexOfNextWordStart(string text, int[] wordStartIndices, int[] wordEndIndices)
if (text.Any(char.IsSurrogate))
Assert.Ignore("char.IsLetterOrDigit(string, int) does not currently work correctly with surrogates");
m_TextEditor.text = text;
for (var index = 0; index <= text.Length; index++)
var nextWordStart = index == text.Length ? text.Length : wordStartIndices.Concat(new[] {text.Length}).First(i => i > index);
Assert.AreEqual(nextWordStart, m_TextEditor.FindStartOfNextWord(index));
public void MoveWordLeft_MovesCursorToPreviousWordStart(string text, int[] wordStartIndices, int[] wordEndIndices)
if (text.Any(char.IsSurrogate))
Assert.Ignore("char.IsLetterOrDigit(string, int) does not currently work correctly with surrogates");
m_TextEditor.text = text;
for (var index = 0; index <= text.Length; index++)
m_TextEditor.cursorIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex = index;
var oldCursorIndex = m_TextEditor.cursorIndex;
var oldSelectIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex;
var previousWordStart = wordStartIndices.Reverse().FirstOrDefault(i => i < oldCursorIndex);
Assert.AreEqual(previousWordStart, m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, string.Format("cursorIndex {0} did not move to previous word start", oldCursorIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(previousWordStart, m_TextEditor.selectIndex, string.Format("selectIndex {0} did not move to previous word start", oldSelectIndex));
[Test, TestCaseSource("textWithExpectedCursorAndSelectIndicesWhenSelectingCurrentWordAtIndex")]
public void SelectCurrentWord(string text, int[] expectedCursorIndices, int[] expectedSelectIndices)
m_TextEditor.text = text;
for (var index = 0; index <= text.Length; index++)
m_TextEditor.cursorIndex = m_TextEditor.selectIndex = index;
var oldCursorIndex = m_TextEditor.cursorIndex;
Assert.AreEqual(expectedCursorIndices[index], m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, string.Format("wrong cursorIndex for initial cursorIndex {0}", oldCursorIndex));
Assert.AreEqual(expectedSelectIndices[index], m_TextEditor.selectIndex, string.Format("wrong selectIndex for initial cursorIndex {0}", oldCursorIndex));
public void HandleKeyEvent_WithControlAKeyDownEvent_MovesCursorToStartOfLineOnMacOS_SelectsAllElsewhere()
const string text = "foo";
m_TextEditor.text = text;
var controlAKeyDownEvent = new Event { type = EventType.KeyDown, keyCode = KeyCode.A, modifiers = EventModifiers.Control };
if (SystemInfo.operatingSystemFamily == OperatingSystemFamily.MacOSX)
Assert.That(m_TextEditor.SelectedText, Is.Empty, "Selected text was not empty");
Assert.That(m_TextEditor.cursorIndex, Is.EqualTo(0), "Cursor did not move to start of line");
Assert.That(m_TextEditor.SelectedText, Is.EqualTo(text), "Text was not selected");
public void HandleKeyEvent_WithCommandAKeyDownEvent_SelectsAllOnMacOS()
if (SystemInfo.operatingSystemFamily != OperatingSystemFamily.MacOSX)
Assert.Ignore("Test is only applicable on macOS");
const string text = "foo";
m_TextEditor.text = text;
var commandAKeyDownEvent = new Event { type = EventType.KeyDown, keyCode = KeyCode.A, modifiers = EventModifiers.Command };
Assert.That(m_TextEditor.SelectedText, Is.EqualTo(text), "Text was not selected");