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Lens Flare (SRP) Asset

Unitys Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP) includes the Lens Flare Element asset. You can use this asset to create lens flares in your scene and control their appearance.
To create a Lens Flare Element asset, navigate to Assets > Create > SRP Lens Flare. To use this asset, assign it to the Lens Flare Data property of an SRP Lens Flare Override Component.


The Lens Flare Element asset has the following properties:


Property Description
Type Select the type of Lens Flare Element this asset creates:


Property Description
Flare Texture The Texture this lens flare element uses.
Preserve Aspect Ratio Fixes the width and height (aspect ratio) of the Flare Texture. You can use Distortion to change this property.


Property Description
Gradient Controls the offset of the circular flare's gradient. This value ranges from 0 to 1.
Falloff Controls the falloff of the circular flare's gradient. This value ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 has no falloff between the tones and 1 creates a falloff that is spread evenly across the circle.
Inverse Enable this property to reverse the direction of the gradient.


Property Description
Gradient Controls the offset of the polygon flare's gradient. This value ranges from 0 to 1.
Falloff Controls the falloff of the polygon flare's gradient. This value ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 has no falloff between the tones and 1 creates a falloff that is spread evenly across the polygon.
Side Count Determines how many sides the polygon flare has.
Roundness Defines how smooth the edges of the polygon flare are. This value ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 is a sharp polygon and 1 is a circle.
Inverse Enable this property to reverse the direction of the gradient


Property Description
Tint Changes the tint of the lens flare. If this asset is attached to the light, this property is based on the light tint.
Modulate By Light Color Allows light color to affect this Lens Flare Element. This only applies when the asset is used in a SRP Lens Flare Override Component that is attached to a point, spot, or area light.
Intensity Controls the intensity of this element.
Blend Mode Select the blend mode of the Lens Flare Element this asset creates:
• Additive
• Screen
• Premultiplied
• Lerp


Property Description
Position Offset Defines the offset of the lens flare's position in screen space, relative to its source.
Auto Rotate Enable this property to automatically rotate the Lens Flare Texture relative to its angle on the screen. Unity uses the Auto Rotate angle to override the Rotation parameter.

To ensure the Lens Flare can rotate, assign a value greater than 0 to the Starting Position property.
Rotation Rotates the lens flare. This value operates in degrees of rotation.
Size Use this to adjust the scale of this lens flare element.

This property is not available when the Type is set to Image and Preserve Aspect Ratio is enabled.
Scale The size of this lens flare element in world space.


Property Description
Starting Position Defines the starting position of the lens flare relative to its source. This value operates in screen space.
Angular Offset Controls the angular offset of the lens flare, relative to its current position. This value operates in degrees of rotation.
Translation Scale Limits the size of the lens flare offset. For example, values of (1, 0) create a horizontal lens flare, and (0, 1) create a vertical lens flare.

You can also use this property to control how quickly the lens flare appears to move. For example, values of (0.5, 0.5) make the lens flare element appear to move at half the speed.


Property Description
Enable Set this property to True to enable distortion.
Radial Edge Size Controls the size of the distortion effect from the edge of the screen.
Radial Edge Curve Blends the distortion effect along a curve from the center of the screen to the edges of the screen.
Relative To Center Set this value to True to make distortion relative to the center of the screen. Otherwise, distortion is relative to the screen position of the lens flare.

Multiple Elements

Property Description
Enable Enable this to allow multiple lens flare elements in your scene.
Count Determines the number of identical lens flare elements Unity generates.
A value of 1 appears the same as a single lens flare element.
Distribution Select the method that Unity uses to generate multiple lens flare elements:
Length Spread Controls how spread out multiple lens flare elements appear.
Relative To Center If true the distortion is relative to center of the screen otherwise relative to lensFlare source screen position.


Property Description
Colors The range of colors that this asset applies to the lens flares.
Rotation The angle of rotation (in degrees) applied to each element incrementally.


Property Description
Colors The range of colors that this asset applies to the lens flares. You can use the Position Spacing curve to determine how this range affects each lens flare.
Position Variation Adjust this curve to change the placement of the lens flare elements in the Lens Spread.
Rotation The uniform angle of rotation (in degrees) applied to each element distributed along the curve. This value ranges from -180° to 180°.
Scale Adjust this curve to control the size range of the lens flare elements.


Property Description
Seed The base value that this asset uses to generate randomness.
Intensity Variation Controls the variation of brightness across the lens flare elements. A high value can make some elements might invisible.
Colors The range of colors that this asset applies to the lens flares. This property is based on the Seed value.
Position Variation Controls the position of the lens flares. The X value is spread along the same axis as Length Spread. A value of 0 means there is no change in the lens flare position. The Y value is spread along the vertical screen space axis based on the Seed value.
Rotation Variation Controls the rotation variation of the lens flares, based on the Seed value. The Rotation and Auto Rotate parameters inherit from this property.
Scale Variation Controls the scale of the lens flares based on the Seed value.